Hello again, Today I will show you a setting I have had in my head for a long time. I have tried a few iterations but only just recently got it right. The setting is a typical schlocky "Lost World" setting that is typical of so many pieces of media featuring prehistoric fauna. I took influence from a lot of them, but foremost in my mind were "Land of the Lost" and Pellucidar. The setting features many typical known dinosaurs and prehistoric fauna, coexisting on an earth-like planet, alongside humans, both primitive and civilized. My rationale is that it's much like "The Land of the Lost", anomalous holes in time open and close here, connecting it to earth during the past and present. This has, over millions of years, allowed many creatures and civilizations to establish there. In this time, many species have remained almost the same due to genetic drift from these holes, but numerous fictional creatures and races exist, that have evolved to exploit th...
Hello again. I have often wondered about life on our planet, many hundreds of millions of years into the future, when the earth's biosphere is in its dying days. I decided to create a project centered around this, taking influence from a couple of my other projects, and the general opinions of other artists as to how this might be. _ The Last Bioshphere It is over 600 million years in the future, the light of the ageing sun is so intense as to render much of the now unrecognizable continents, into parched rocky deserts of blazing heat. The oceans and fresh water bodies are slowly but surely evaporating into smaller shallow basins, so briny and warm as to also be fairly hostile. The Sparse Terrestrial Ecosystem - On land, most living things are concentrated closer to the poles, or at higher elevations, where temperatures and evaporation levels are a little lower. Low rocky ridges or drifts of sand and grit form the substrate on which the rarefied vegetation of this region grows. ...
Hello again. I have been thinking about whales and dolphins lately, Cetacea. so here are a bunch of my concepts about possible evolutionary scenarios of cetaceans. - Firstly, if one or two species of dolphin or porpoise survived after the occupation by man, what would those be like? We may see giant, killer-whale like species of dolphins with high intelligence, and ruthless hunting strategies for a wide variety of prey sizes. We could see dolphins evolving to fill the deep-diving niche left open by the extinction of beaked-whales. We may even see sapient Cetacea, or at least to a greater degree than in our era, with manipulative organs in the form of a mobile, Beluga-like set of lips. Dolphins may become huge deep-divers resembling sperm-whales, feeding in large squid. And porpoises may produce small, robust, seafloor-grubbing durophages that feed on shellfish. Tusked cetaceans may evolve again, this time from small, dolphin-like animals. - But what about tho...
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