Hello again, Today I will show you a setting I have had in my head for a long time. I have tried a few iterations but only just recently got it right. The setting is a typical schlocky "Lost World" setting that is typical of so many pieces of media featuring prehistoric fauna. I took influence from a lot of them, but foremost in my mind were "Land of the Lost" and Pellucidar. The setting features many typical known dinosaurs and prehistoric fauna, coexisting on an earth-like planet, alongside humans, both primitive and civilized. My rationale is that it's much like "The Land of the Lost", anomalous holes in time open and close here, connecting it to earth during the past and present. This has, over millions of years, allowed many creatures and civilizations to establish there. In this time, many species have remained almost the same due to genetic drift from these holes, but numerous fictional creatures and races exist, that have evolved to exploit th...
Hello again, As another expansion for my Lost Land setting, I had a good think about speculative critters again, then an idea struck me. The Lost Land is a place where organisms are thrust from disparate parts of Earth's timeline, into a new frontier where all these various creatures have managed to attain a kind of balance. We have creatures from the past, present, and future, but what about the idea of non-linear timelines? If earth's fauna had taken different turns based on other circumstances than what we have now. So that formed the basis of me adding 10 new speculative creatures to the setting, as seen here. - A chimp-sized predatory Omomyid primate, from a timeline where primates did not become extinct in North America. A primate-like, intelligent Phalangeriforme marsupial which is common in Australia. From a timeline where the Miocene cooling never happened, and Australia/Sahul remained covered in Rain-forest. A 2.5 ton sapient, civilization-building species of Elep...
Hello again, I decided to make another addition of speculative creatures to my Lost Land setting. This time, I am adding some animals which work partly as reasoned-fantasy, greatly resembling certain mythical creatures of our world. - This creature is the Makara, a 2.7 ton Protocetid that forages on the tropical sea-floor using its elephant-like proboscis. This hare-sized animal is the Jackalope, and is in fact a horned Rodent related to Cavies, not Hares. The giant, gold-digging ants of Herodotus are in fact a kind of giant, tusked Mole-cricket, reaching similar sizes to the largest Wetas. These burrowing insects feed mainly on plant roots and make extensive tunnels in their mountain-slope habitat, leaving spoil-piles dotted about that can sometimes contain specks of gold. The Chimaera is a kind of open-country Mesonychian predator that combines the features of Carnivorans and Artiodactyls. Reaching as much as 70 kilograms in weight, they hunt in family groups of up to 7, their resemb...
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