Alternate KPg Scenario

 Hello again.

I originally had plans for a Dinosaur-based project that would mimic the context of The Speculative Dinosaur Project, with the exception that dinosaurs only survived in South America, as opposed to globally. Here, I will show you some of the best concepts I had from that project.

Notosuchians figured heavily in this project, basically competing with dinosaurs.

I had some forms resembling terrestrial rodents. with enlarged incisors.

Some kinds managed to develop a proboscis from their fleshy nose, and became somewhat tapir-like.
Others developed into cursorial running forms, resembling antelope in shape.

There were also large armored herbivores, which resembled Ankylosaurs or Stegosaurs.

There is even a form that converges on beavers in being a semi-aquatic herbivore.

I also featured a group of Didelphid-derived marsupials that developed into pouched small predators resembling Dasyurids.

Both of the forms shown here are somewhat convergent on mustelids in shape, also.

There were also Noasaurid-derived predators that had come to resemble Abelisaurs.

The form shown above is an insulated, southern form.

I also devised megafaunal Elasmarians of varying sizes including ones with an insulating coat of feathers.

This Elasmarian is a giant, pampas-dwelling megaherbivore, eating grass like an ox.

Whereas this one is a more standard, Hadrosaur-shaped species.

This species converges upon deer and okapi by being a long-legged browser.

Monkeys managed to still evolve in Africa and raft into South America, however, producing many forms including this sloth-or-orangutan-like suspensory climber.

Dryolsetidans managed to evolve into many forms, including this kind which converges on bandicoots.

The Alvarezsauridae remain successful as ant and termite eaters, though some have developed protective quills.

Volaticotheres existed as revictual forms of a once more varied group of Paleogene flyers, taking the oilbird niche.

Many of the other ideas in the project were parallels or appropriations of ideas originally used in The Speculative Dinosaur Project, and thus are not really worth showing here.

I hope you enjoyed these speculative Alternate-KPg creatures.

All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris, do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission.
© Timothy Donald Morris 2021


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