More Orphaned Concepts - Crocs, Monotremes and Ungulates

Hello again,

I managed to scan some re-draws of very old concepts that I had from more than a decade ago. They cover a few different kinds of animal generally, so I will cover them by group..


The first are a set of various crocodiles, mostly Ziphosuchian/Notosuchian. The idea was a world or timeline where Crocodiles are the dominant land animals instead of non-avian Dinosaurs or mammals.

This is a bipedal browsing Notosuchian, with a tapir-like trunk.

This idea was basically one-upping Kaprosuchus, though I am not sure why it would need such long teeth, sexual selection?
A large, omnivorous land-croc with a bulky head and heterodont teeth.

An ungulate-convergent, quadrupedal Notosuchian with a small beak.

A giant, theropod-shaped bipedal Sphenosuchian, based partly on Macelognathus as an ancestor.

Another ungulate--like Notosuchian descendant, this time with cheeks and heterodont teeth.

A wolf-sized predatory Ziphosuchian with a large head and heterodont teeth.

Tiny descendants of Anatosuchus, adapted to forage in the shallows for invertebrates such as worms and snails.


The next lot are a bunch of speculative Monotremes, some may be close to the platypus group, and others more basally derived.

This is a long-legged, semi-cursorial forager and predator, with large venom spurs.

This is a fast-swimming marine platypus with an elevated metabolism and wing-like forefeet.

This is some sort of durophagous monotreme. I was initially intending this as related to the Cancriodonta of The Speculative Dinosaur Project, way back when.

A predatory stem-monotreme with sharp teeth and an upright gait.

A toothed stem-platypus of enormous size that acts like a crocodile in fresh water.

A sensory, nearly blind stem-platypus of large size, that forages along the riverbed for invertebrates living in the mud.

Another tail-less, durophagous primitive Cancriodont. With benefit of hindsight, maybe these guys ARE indeed related to Kollikodon.
And finally, this last group consists of various odd ungulates of various sorts, some more serious and resolved in taxonomic affinity than others.

A uni-horned member of the "horned hog" group of Pavel Volkov's Neocene Period.

A somewhat un-resolved creature with a long snout made potentially for grazing. Artiodactyl?

A sort of Brontothere with an enlarged nose and trunk supported by a nasal-crest, as with Embolotherium.
A giraffe-descendant with large, incipient-branching ossicones.

A rather oddly shaped rhinoceros with multiple horns, maybe this guy was bred as an ornamental creature in a GMO future in which endangered fauna remains in captivity.

An American Brontothere with antler-like horns.

Some sort of Rhinoceros-like Perissodactyl with a branching horn-boss on its head.

A stem Perissodactyl with a small bony crest, flexible lips and a large diastema.

Some sort of multi-horned Dinoceratan.

A bizarre sort of multi-horned Rhinoceros, smaller with cursorial limbs. Perhaps this guy is a descendant of rhinos that prospered from re-wilding projects in future centuries.

I assume some sort of Selenodont or Ruminant from an alternate timeline, which has a large bony crest and reduced digits.

All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris (unless otherwise indicated), do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission.
© Timothy Donald Morris 2024


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