Aion - The First Ones and the Genesis of Aion
Among sapient thinkers of different kinds upon Aion, from human to non-human, post-human and alien alike, one question became paramount as the years wore on. That question was, how and why did Aion come about? The time-portals and hodgepodge nature of its fauna and flora seemed to indicate an outside force behind populating the planet. But the rather earth-like climate of Aion and its lucky position in a solar system of relatively unremarkable planetoids suggest that its formation may have been somewhat like that of earth.
One vital clue was there all along, Aion lacks a molten core, and any kind of plate tectonics or vulcanism, and yet it is estimated to have been hosting life for as long as 1.5 billion years. Any other planet lacking plate tectonics would have worn down to a boiling morass of mud and sand by this point.
The less pragmatic races of Aion largely did not concern themselves with the question of whence their world came, as their pagan and ancestor-worshiping religions already granted them an answer which suited them. Humans and the Dinoamchy wondered and speculated endlessly, but none had the barest of technology in order to investigate, apart from collecting and roughly dating geological samples. Aion as it stands was perhaps 2 billion years old, and had borne life via the time portals for perhaps two thirds of that time, all on a planet where the processes of volcanism and plate tectonics were absent, things seemed tantalisingly suspicious.
The Star Children and the Chrononauts would tackle this question using their superior technology. It seemed that Aion originated as an inert, lifeless rocky planetoid that at a past point in history miraculously became equable for life. No sooner had this happened that relatively soon after (by geological standards), the time portals imported Aion's first fauna and flora. This seemed to indicate geoengineering and terraforming by some outside force, but this remained a mystery for decades.
Eventually, the Star Children detected them using advanced technology, a force outside of Aion and indeed seemingly outside of the directly-observable universe. The Star Children ascertained that they were there, and had been so since half a billion years before Aion even existed. After this, the lines of evidence ran cold. The Chrononauts began searching for this force soon after spies brought back word that of what the Star Children had done. The Chrononauts used different but roughly analogous technology, far more advanced than that of any human on Earth or Aion, and after some years of hard work, they made significant progress over the Star Children.
The Chrononauts not only detected these beings but made contact. Indeed, it seems this was achieved in part by some willing cooperation from whatever these beings were. After the lines of communication were established, discoveries about the motives and nature of these beings continued apace, until about a decade later, communication mysteriously ceased without warning.
The Chrononauts had contacted a group of beings that called themselves “The First Ones”. These were a small community of fifth-dimensional beings, overwhelmingly powerful by mortal standards, which existed alongside Aion. Not only did they inhabit our native dimensions within Aion, but a higher dimension that permitted them a great deal of power, some scarcely imaginable to humans or even the Chrononauts themselves. These First Ones had chosen a dead planetoid in an unassuming yet promising young solar system, that happened to inhabit the oft-sought “Goldilocks zone” that made it a candidate for hosting life. Vast geoengineering and terraforming was undertaken to establish this planet as a sort of “workshop” with which the First Ones could experiment upon and observe evolutionary processes by creating their own bespoke version of earth. Their ability to manipulate time itself allowed them to place time portals upon the surface, and to regulate their appearance and disappearance, in order to seed the planet with some of the most vigorous and promising of Earth's fauna and flora. This was done via time travel and foresight, as this first occurred at a date of about 1.7 billion years before earth-man, and many hundreds of millions before the first multicellular earth-borne life. And so these beings dipped their toes in and out of the spectrum of earth's timeline, establishing time portals in order to populate Aion. Life forms and biomes that were promising could be sustained almost unchanged by allowing flow of new individuals and genes through the time portals, via genetic drift. Eventually a portal may be closed when stable populations have been established, and its native life has better adapted to conditions on the Aionian side. Evolution was catalyzed in places by punctuating the equilibrium upon Aion, isolating species and faunas geographically, or cutting them off from their original time by closing the portals. By the current year on the Aionian calendar, as indeed it stands on Earth and within the universe inhabited by three dimensional beings, Aion has had a complete and thriving global biome perhaps for over a billion years.
It is tentatively assumed that the first ones are still working their magic, although it has become known that they do not assume a tangible form within our native dimensions upon Aion. It is assumed that this is probably a conscious decision in order to maintain peace and order, and indeed it seems they have only revealed themselves to truly advanced beings upon Aion, the Chrononauts and Star Children. Why they ceased communications with them and seemingly disappeared is unclear, although the fluctuations of the time portals attest that they still lurk alongside Aion, within their native dimension.
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