World of Aion - Novel Island Endemics
Hello again,
It's time for another post about the world of Aion.
The insular biomes of Aion are interesting for a few reasons, mainly that to some extent, earthly insular faunas correspond to certain islands or archipelagos on Aion. For the most part, island endemic animals still only occur on certain islands, even the ones that have long-established on Aion. The main reason for this is that the intermittent appearance of portals links certain islands here to certain places and times on earth, exclusively.
The result is a bunch of insular faunas that vaguely resemble those seen on earth. However, certain unusual endemic forms have also arisen, which is what I am covering here.
On the Pereza Islands, which are roughly analogous to the Caribbean, the main predator is an enormous, eagle-sized spectral bat. This fierce predaceous bat may reach a wingspan of up to 2.7 meters, and does most of its hunting at night
On this same archipelago, there are numerous diminutive, pygmy ground-sloths, of the Megalocnidae. One specialized kind is this beaver-sized aquatic form, which paddles around in slow-flowing rivers and swamps, feeding on aquatic plants.
Verdant Island is a large island analogous to historical Madagascar (though somewhat smaller), and familiar creatures there include elephant-birds and lemurs, including giant ones. One novel type of endemic giant-lemur is this gibbon-like brachiating form, which is able to leap and swing swiftly through the rainforest canopy.
Verdant Island, the insects and spiders seem particularly novel and
superbly adapted. Here we see numerous species of this nectar-feeding
genus of spider, which are differentiated mainly by color, size and the
kinds of flower that they feed from.
unique Arthropod from Verdant Island is this genus of flightless,
raptorial Robber-Fly. Fast running and equipped with mantid-like
fore-claws, they hunt various other insects on the forest-floor.
The Pumillio Islands have a distinctly Mediterranean climate, and host various Mediterranean-islands fauna from the Miocene, Pliocene and the last Ice Age. One newly-evolved form which occurs here is this truly prodigious, cat-sized hamster.
The large southern island of Teiteioa is mostly analogous to New Zealand, hosting various typical inhabitants such as Dinornis moa, Heracles Parrots and the Haast Eagle. Some new forms have arisen here, such as this ground-dwelling parakeet, which is adept and walking, running and climbing, it feeds mostly on insects, snails and small vertebrates.
Another inhabitant of Teiteioa is this flightless rail, thought to be descended from the Pukeko. Pugnacious and as large as a turkey-cock, it feeds mostly on fallen fruit and seeds, but also land snails and insects such as Wetas.
One equatorial set of offshore islands has many kinds of endemic lizards, mostly unremarkable, with the exception of this giant Agamid. Reaching up to 2.5 meters long, it is an omnivore with a preference for other lizards, bird's eggs, and fallen fruit.
The Sauratian islands is prominent equatorial group of islands including the largest island on Aion, here we see many uniquely adapted animals, mostly Cretaceous in origin.
Inhabiting rivers, streams and swamps are these ubiquitous giant tadpoles, which can grow as long as a man's hand, voracious predators of other aquatic life, even each-other. The tadpoles are of a kind of Horned-Frog, but unique in spending most of their lives, all 10 to 12 years of it, in the tadpole stage. Adults are ephemeral in nature like Mayflies, and only exist in order to reproduce in large numbers every few years, dying immediately after.
This tiny Notosuchian is adapted as a rat-like gnawing herbivore, mainly feeding on stems, seeds, fruit and occasionally insects. Reaching no larger than 16 centimeters long, they are furtive and able to retreat at great speed.
The Dinosaurs on this island are also unique, this fair-sized paravian seems to be descended from Troodontid ancestors, but is adapted as a fowl-like herbivore. It is also notable for having extensive defenses, sharp quills and a thagomizer-like array of keratinous tail-spines.
Unusually, the apex predator of this island ark is in fact and Ornithischain, descended from Leptoceratopsids. Reaching up to 1 ton, it is a powerful and adaptable predator that makes easy prey of other insular Dinosaurs.
Also descended from the Leptoceratopsidae is this deer-like, 90-kilogram browsing form, which has adapted to run at high speeds to evade predators. Commonly hunted by its more predatory relative, it is possible that it became adapted for speed in a sort of evolutionary arms-race with its main predator.
So that is a quick look at some of the endemic island-fauna found in various parts of Aion.
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© Timothy Donald Morris 2024
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