Update to the Lost Land setting - a name-change!
Hello again,
I have been working on my prehistoric-pastiche sci-fi setting recently, and I have finished compiling a list of what species exist in this world setting.
Also, the name of this world has been changed from "The Lost Land" which was pretty much just a placeholder, to a proper, marketable, original name with a classical influence. It is now called "The World of Aion". Aion was the name of the primordial goddess of eternity in ancient Greece, and the word itself also signifies a very long period of time, as with the word Eon.
Anyhow you can see the revised list of creatures in this project here, along with links to the blog-posts that display the original fictional creatures that are part of the project:
Anyhow I hope that is interesting to you guys. I am planning on further expanding this project soon, in ways other than adding new creatures.
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