Aion - Interesting Native Botany

Hello again,

Here is another important post about Aion, my world-building project. In this post, we will explore the native botany of this world, while focusing mostly on the species that differ from the familiar earthly varieties that are also present. Also, many of these plants have cultural and medicinal uses that I will outline as I describe them.


This prodigious Pitcher-Plant grows at ground-level in tropical montane-rainforest. It is the largest carnivorous plant found upon Aion, each pitcher may reach as much as 50 centimeters tall. As well as trapping insects, its size allows it to trap and consume little vertebrates such as lizards, frogs and small mammals.

This domestic variety of Daikon Radish is commonly grown by different Aion races, including the Dinomachy, Tusked Folk and various ethnic groups of humans. It reaches even bigger sizes than the largest earthly strains of Daikon Radish. Known to readily run wild and grow in undisturbed habitats that are wet enough, when growing wild it does not usually get as big.

Aionian Wormwood is a species closely related to the genus Artemisia, being a tall herb that grows best in semi-temperate and subtropical biomes. It is well known for its medicinal uses in treating a variety of bacterial and parasitic infections including Malaria.

Aionian Jackfruit is a fruiting tropical-rainforest tree whose prodigious fruits are very fine to eat. Each fruit has stringy, pulpy flesh which is sweeter in taste and softer in texture than earthly Jackfruit varieties. The fruits are also notable as the largest wild-fruits found upon Aion, a single one can reach a weight and size greater than the biggest water-melon on earth.

Raging Henbane is a common flowering herb found across the temperate zone upon Aion, it is possible that it has been traded and cultivated far beyond its normal range. Known as a potent drug, it is brewed and concentrated into a special concoction used during battle. The effects of this drug induce a uncontrollably violent, rage-filled state in combatants, identical to the typical "berserker" state of earth's historical times. It is commonly used by Barbarians, Vikings and Titans, and can prove to be a devastating combat strategy.

Aionian Stinkweed is a profusely growing brassica-herb common across the temperate and tropical zones of the main continents. It is very notable for its offensive smell, which is plainly noticeable in close proximity, and very strong when the plant is crushed. This odor is said to resemble a mixture of mustard, garlic and goat, but certain kinds of dinosaur enjoy this scent and will crush and roll in the plant in order to anoint themselves during the mating season.

This tiny fern is an epiphyte growing on the trunks of great timbers in tropical-rainforests close to the equator. Each frond is no longer than a man's middle-finger.

Another commonly traded herb is the Coarse-leaved Laurel, this fair-sized tree ranges from the subtropics down to the equator and is commonly consumed by Dinosaurs. It is valued by various groups of humans for its use when made into a poultice to treat wounds or infections.

The most common kind of drinking tea used upon Aion is this plant, which is related to Khat or Bushman's Tea. Traded widely and cultivated in many places, drinking this tea serves as a stimulant that is enjoyed by different sapient races, as well as humans.

This tall shrubby herb is common from semi-temperate zones into the tropics, and is known as Dinosaur-Nip. Related to Cannabis and Hops, the resinous-smelling leaves and buds are very attractive to many kinds of dinosaur, which will chew on them, crush them and roll in them, reveling in the scent, and in its relaxant and stimulative effects. Various races, including humans, will use dried Dinosaur-Nip as a kind of treat in order to make tame or domestic dinosaurs more reasonable and placid.

Aionian Nighshade is one of the most poisonous fruiting plants found upon Aion, most animals and people avoid it. It is sometimes used in subterfuge as a poison in order to murder people, as its effects disappear soon after death. Most notably, it forms the majority of the diet of the Nighshade Bird, which incorporates the toxin into its flesh as a defense against predators.

Dinosaur-Plum is a common rainforest-tree in the tropics of Aion, notable in that its bright yellow fruit are commonly consumed by various kinds of dinosaur. Also notable is that when fully ripe, it may also be consumed by humans, though its flavor is somewhat strong and unpleasant.

Aionian-Dreaming-Vine is a kind of tropical liana common in equatorial rainforest. Many ethnic groups of human in this part of the world value the crushed stems of this plant as a concoction which has greatly psychoactive effects. It is a strong hallucinogen and stimulant which is often used in initiation rights and vision-quests, particularly among Barbarians and the Tropical Cro-Magnons, though some cultures further afield drink it for recreation. It is also notable for affecting herbivorous dinosaurs which consume it, sometimes by accident, but it is possible some species target this plant voluntarily in order to experience its effects. Not surprisingly, it is actually related to the Ayahuasca plant from earth.

Ubiquitous in arid and semi-arid deserts across many parts of Aion, is this genus of dwarf Spinifex. The blades of this desert-grass are particularly coarse and prickly, allowing it to mostly resist grazing by desert herbivores. It is also known to provide refuge for many kinds of insect and small vertebrate.

All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris (unless otherwise indicated), do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission.
© Timothy Donald Morris 2025


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