Aion - The Final Frontier
Hello again,
I have come to the end of adding new species to Aion's fauna-and-flora list, I made a hard-limit of 700 which I am sticking to.
For a final threat, and a nice bit of world-building, I will explore a part of Aion that is mostly unknown to even the smartest of its residents, apart from a few select species that came to light by accident. By that I mean the abyss and deep-sea, an area virtually no one on Aion is equipped to explore sufficiently.
We can assume that Aion's abyssal fauna is as varied and unique as that on earth, from what little of it has made it to our attention, usually strange forms that may be caught in fishing nets or wash up on the shore.
This extremely unusual variety of hammerhead-shark completely lacks eyes, and seeks prey on the abyssal plain by a combination of scent, and the electro-and-mechano-receptors which cover its crescent face. It measures no longer than 1 meter.
This unusual arthropod dwells upon the abyssal plain and some parts of the continental slope, scavenging and feeding on smaller invertebrates. It is in fact a primitive Chelicerate that has evolved into a carcinized shape, no larger than 7cm across the carapace.
This ammonite hangs in the water column in the Bathypelagic zone, sitting in wait in order to snatch shrimps, squid and small fish. Its shell reaches up to 23 centimetres in diameter.
This Hadronectorid coelacanth has converged on cusks and brotulas, being a slow-swimming predator associated with abyssal reefs and rock-piles. Reaching up to 50 centimeters long, it feeds mainly on small crustaceans and worms.
This specialized coelacanth can be found standing upright upon the Abyssal plains, using its elongate lobe-fins as legs in order to remain erect. It sits perfectly still in ambush, in order to snatch passing fish, squid and shrimp. It may measure up to 60 centimeters long.
The most legendary of all deep-sea creatures upon Aion is a kind of huge predatory squid, often likened to a Kraken. Thought to be closely related to large true-squids of the Cretaceous such as Yezoteuthis, it feeds mainly on fish and smaller species of squid. Large females may reach a length of up to 10 meters, that is measuring the mantle, head and arms but not the 2 feeding tentacles. This squid is known to keep to the depths by day, but migrates to feed in open surface waters at night.
In addition to this there are some more familiar deep-sea species that have made themselves at home in Aion's oceans. These include the ubiquitous Firefly Squid, Giant Abyssal Isopods, Bone-eating Snot Worms and a few others.
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into a little-explored frontier upon Aion.
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Donald Morris (unless otherwise indicated), do not use, reproduce, or
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© Timothy Donald Morris 2025
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