The Dream Menagerie - Explanations and stories...

Now I have shown you a good sample of the creatures that I have dreamed about. I can now outline some very vivid, story-like dreams that I have had, and the creatures they contained.


A common theme is fear of parasites. This long threadlike worm is able to harpoon you with a long oral sting, which sticks in you and I assume implants its larvae into your body.

It is also common for me to read some strange book in my dream, and find a "real" creature that I had never seen before. This for example is a reptile I saw in an encyclopedia, green, arboreal, small, with keeled scales. However, it was a member of its own group, separate from all living reptiles, it was implied to be descended from early amniotes.

This creature was a weta-like flying cricket which descended from the sky at night, landing on my face and scratching it badly.

This little fellow was apparently from Star Wars, equal part Sy Snootles and Yoda, a tiny wizened race of alien, seated on a ship out in space.

Here we see a moss-like plant, which exudes a stocky, earwax-like slime of orange color that sticks to your fingers. He was found adjacent to my old highschool.

A huge Star Wars creature as long as 7 elephants, like a Bantha somewhat, it lived on Tatooine and was apt to charge quickly and thunderously at me, terrifying.

A leaf-insect as long as a golf club, which clings to the ceiling of a greenhouse, taking flight down onto me and scaring me.

I apparently saw genuine photos of this deep-sea reptile in a zoology book in this dream. Caught in Japanese waters, it was no longer than a man, and lauded as a genuine sea monster, eventually being kept in a Japanese aquarium.

This was my encounter with the mythical Waitoreke of New Zealand, genuine, it was a monotreme only as large as a hen-chick, and colored like the Pokemon Psyduck.

The skeleton of this beast was seen in a Cryptozoology book, in a photo, indeed a genuine yet apocryphal sea monster.

I also encounter some dream animals in odd foreign zoos or aquariums, which contain strange unseen animals. This large fowl was as big as a sheep, with amazingly colorful facial skin and wattles.

This beast met me in the hallway of my house, a supernatural spook that sucked the energy and color from the room.

This is a species of Snouter which I saw an illustration of in a whole new book in my dream, which was illustrated by Peter Schouten.

I dreamed that I had been employed to illustrate an article in National Geographic, of various Oligocene megafauna, including this odd Arsinoitherium-like creature.

Another book in a dream, I found it in a book store and demanded to buy it but I had no money.; This was an Afrotherian mammal that belonged in its own group and was the size of a miniature goat, pictured in the book.

I once dreamed on giant plants whose fronds, hundreds of meters long, filed entire canyons, allowing people to slide or fall down into the canyons without harm.

This non-therian mammal I saw as a diagram, in a textbook within the dream, the only mammal to ever have a genuine beak.

This monster was encountered at my old highschool, a man-sized creature resembling  Hinox from Legend of Zelda, but mouthless, membranous, and filled with air, almost like a soap bubble.

An ape-sized bat I saw in a zoo run by creationists, a diurnal carnivore.

Sometimes I attend apocryphal museums which contain the fossils of amazing creatures. This was the club of a truly enormous Ankylosaur.

This starfish-like creature rolled at great speed down the roads of my suburb, it was potentially an alien.

This alien was part of a sci-fi story n which explorers visited an unknown, night-dark planet, it menaced their ship, and was invisible because it used a sense that no earth creature does, to read unseen waves, and it is only these waves that allow it to be seen.

In this dream I visited Cairns, where a mountain face bore a huge petroglyph of a 7-meter long reptile. At the foot of the mountain was a museum about this creature, run by a Cryptozoologist. The beast was apparently real, it was a Prolacertiform Archosaur akin to Tanystropheus, a prehistoric survivor.

Another parasite, this veiny-looking slug lived inside a large pustule under the tongue, causing swallowing difficulties.

This fingernail-sized shrimp dwelled in swarms and attacked me indoors, nibbling on my flesh.
This extraterrestrial creature was a fast runner, racing about inside a department store, its color was fluorescent yellow and purple.

This dinosaur-sized slug lived in a jungle, and his loud roar caused the trees to spontaneously catch fire.

In this dream, I met a strange armored extraterrestrial figure.

The aforementioned figure handed me this red-and-yellow piece of bioengineered technology, which grafted itself to my chest and allowed me to breathe underwater.

Not much to say, a living Coke can with aluminum mandibles that bit me.

These eagle-sized flying insects shed scales like a moth and chased me and some children around inside a ruined building.

In this dream I was in first grade and invented this aquatic lizard-like creature for a project.

I was in a museum in this dream, and saw a Glyptodont skeleton the size of a large Dinosaur.

The most amazing dream. I was brought aboard an alien ship, they were small, short spacefaring humans that resembled Japanese people with paper-white skin. They showed me a gradient colored chart of all the creatures they had made via genetic engineering and GMO. This was one of then, an odd human-variant which had repeating pairs of arms and legs.

This urchin or foraminiferan-like creature rolled along the seabed, clearly inspired by the Unira enemy in The Legend of Zelda's Water Temple.

The most terrifying dream. A race of purple alien octopi were controlling the television stations, broadcasting oddly terrifying Simpsons episodes.

This is a breed of black, poll cattle with pug-like faces. It turns out there was such a breed once, pure coincidence.

I encountered condor-sized macaws at a breeding farm for aviary birds in this dream.

In the aforementioned farm worked a 12-foot tall Australopithecine with dark skin, all of her fingers and both thumbs had been bitten off by the birds, and she tried to warn against this. Finally, some pirate-like people appeared and harassed her.


So that's all of them. But what is my opinion? I am a skeptic, and I honestly think dreams are simply a part of he psyche influenced by things we see and experience. I often wonder if it is an alternate, subconscious reality, it feels like it sometimes, but who is to say? Hypothetical confabulous realities may exist in the inner space of people's minds?

Thanks again. That is all for now.

All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris, do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission.
© Timothy Donald Morris 2022


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