Extra Pictures and Creatures from "Fellow Tetrapod"

 Hello again,

This blog-post will feature various creatures from chapter headers that I did for "Fellow Tetrapod", that were not of the sapient species or races. Theree are a few, so lets get started.


Our Toxoplasmotic character, Fling, is constantly accompanied by her semi-domestic pet Jaguar, Fancy Death. This is not only a whim, but is necessitated by her religion, and enabled by the particular strain of parasite she hosts.

This is Mr Grumbles, General Graa's mount and companion. He is basically a Homo erectus, which were in fact domesticated by the Pick in Graa's timeline, though he does not fully resemble the erectus from our timeline, as much selective breeding has been done for purpose.

The Metrurian fortune-teler which Koen cooks for has the privelige of dining on a seafood soup composed of some elements that would make a human Palaeontologist salivate for other reasons, including a domesticated, meat-bearing Plesiosaur. Koen puts both his Palaeontological and culinary training to good use butchering and preparing the creature.

The Quoditian homeworld is dominated by various creatures which all diverged from those in our timeline, back in the Cambrian. Vegetation in fact mostly consists of Anthozoan-style Cnidarians like this, the Maple-Jelly-Tree. Being a fleshy sedentary animal instead of a plant, the banches are in fact glassy tubes into which the fleshy photosynthetic leaves can quickly retract in the event of darkness or nibbling epifauna.

The Greaves, being nocturnal Carnivorans, do not posess true color vision. Thus, their domestic vegetables, like this pumpkin-gourd, are either pale whitish, darker contrasting shades, or variegated with both.

The Sweet Osmanthus plant, valued by we humans, particularly the Chinese, for flavoring tea and certain cakes. Koen uses this as an igredient for the Moon Festival feast which we see unfold in the penultimate chapters.

A Translator Bug, organic technology employed by the Quoditians, and everyone at the Convention of Sophonts. Strictly, these are still animals, very capable ones that also incorporate cybernetic technology. They work by listening to conversations and parroting back a translation to whatever species is using them. This is a necessity in the Convention, where most species are not physically capable of understanding or speaking to eachother otherwise. Taxonomically, it is apparent that their ancestral stock were lobopod-bearing Dinocarididans like Opabinia or Mieridduryn.


All images, designs and writing on this current blog-entry are the joint property of Timothy Donald Morris and Daniel Bensen, do not use, reproduce, or copy them without permission.


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