Our Potential Yesterdays - Dinosaur Edition - Jurassic

 For this next series of blog posts, I am sharing images I have just made within the paradigm of my "Potential Yesterdays" project. These in particular are based on suggestions by many of my friends and colleagues.

The premise of "Potential Yesterdays" and "Our Potential Yesterdays", is to draw fossil creatures that have not been discovered, but may in fact exist undiscovered as fossils.

All of the suggestions I chose are Non-avian Dinosaurs. Starting here with the Jurassic:

A Dilophosaur-like theropod whose crest is a resonating chamber in vocalization. Stem-Neotherapoda.

A stem-Ornithischian which feeds mostly on insects. Stem-Ornithischia.

A sabre-tusked Heterodontosaur. Heterodontosauridae.

A Diplodocoid whose skull is transitional between derived forms and the ancestral condition. Stem Diplodocoidea.

A megalosauroid whose skull is transitional between Megalosaur and Spinosaur. Stem-Spinosauridae.

All images and writing on this website are the property of Timothy Donald Morris, do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission.
© Timothy Donald Morris 2017-2022


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