Fictional Dinosaur Portraits - Iteration 1 - Skullgen

 Hello again.

Apologies for my inactivity, health trouble and surgery stole the wind out of my sails a bit. Now I'm back though with fresh work.

My colleague Memo Koseman made me aware of the Skullgen AI program, which generates dinosaur skulls based on an AI algorithm.

The website is here:

I managed to gain a great amount of inspiration from these images, and I restored a few of the skulls based on what I reasoned them to be. They are as follows:

A fair-sized carnivorous Archosaur related to Doswellia and the Aetosaurs.

A small, carnivorous basal-archosauromorph which possesses large teeth and a hooked beak.

An Elaphrosaur, similar to Limusaurus.

An aberrant basal Neornithischian somewhat like Thescelosaurus, posessing a flange which anchors the cheek, and a hooked predentary beak.

A tiny, ground-dwelling Troodontid which feeds on insects and small vertebrates.

A basal Tyrannosauroid similar to Guanlong.

An Iguanodontian which has a large flange on its lower jaw which anchors the cheek.

A primitive Ornithomimosaur with a blade like beak on the lower jaw, adapted to feed on tough, pulpy vegetation such as palms and cycads.

A primitive mosasaur of moderate size which has specializations allowing it to swallow prey whole.

An aberrant Pennaraptoarn that dabbles small invertebrates from the water, using its toothless, lamellae-bearing jaws, and brush-like tongue.

A parrot-beaked relative of Chilesaurus.

An unusually long-snouted, primitive Ankylosaur.

A mid-sized Pennaraptoran theropod which is adapted to swallow large fallen fruits whole, as well as small vertebrates.

A small Titanosaur which possesses a pronounced hyoid that anchors a prehensile, giraffe-like tongue.

A primitive Ornithodiran of a fair size, related closely to primitive pterosaurs, it feeds mainly on fish and amphibians which it seizes with its hooked teeth, barbed tongue and beak.

A small sauropod related to Nigersaurus, having lost teeth in favor of a toothless beak, and a Bonitasaura-like jaw flange used to cut vegetation.

All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris, do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission.
© Timothy Donald Morris 2022


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