Cosmolgy and evolution in flatland - 2-dimensional creatures?

The novella "Flatland - a Romance of Many Dimensions" is an interesting and transcendent classical publication, where all men and women exist in a kingdom within a universe consisting of only 2-dimensions. It is an interesting though-experiment to consider a world that is a simple flat plane, ike a map, and beings can only see the edges of eachother. More info about it can be found here: But how would a 2-dimensionsl universe work? How would it come about? And how would life there come about, and exist within a 2-dimensional biome? A little while ago, I tried to figure it out, with the help of my longtime-friend Mette Aumala. - The universal plane began as an infinitely dense and tightly coiled spiral, containing all the chemical elements that would go on to make the universe. During the “big smear” it uncoiled, fragmented and expanded ever outward, sideways and along, creating a 2-dimensional plane onto which various simple 2-dimensiona...