Dragons and Reasoned Fantasy...

Dracontology – A Modern Synthesis The study of dragons as creatures is almost as old as man itself. The confusing anatomy of many dragon species has resulted in confusion as to their taxonomy and evolution. Phylogenetics and evo-devo may provide a better perspective than classical purely anatomical approaches. The Enigma of Dragon Limbs – Dragons of various sorts can have as many as 8, or as few as 0 limbs, standard Western Dragons have 6, including legs and wings, while Wyverns have a more typical bird-like arrangement of a single pair of wings and 1 pair of hind-legs. Dragons can be typically broken down into a few groups, but there are many specialized forms and outliers. Basilisks – These have 8 legs. Tarrasques and Hexadragons – These have 6 legs. Western Dragons – These have 4 legs and one pair of wings. This is the only group known to breathe fire. Drakes – These have 4 legs and no wings. Long/Eastern Drag...