
Yet more orphaned concepts - Happy Spectember!

Hello again. Another blog post, another batch of orphaned concepts from the vault. - This one was supposed to be a descendant of the Kiwi, perhaps in a timeline where conservation managed to prevent its extinction. This particular form is a bit bigger and bulkier, and feeds upon crustaceans and other invertebrates on the shores of beaches and estuaries. This is some sort of Palaeozoic shark, bearing denticles and long, semi-retractable jaws. This was a concept that Raymond Tobin and I came up with for the Speculative Dinosaur Project before it died off. A kind of false-ground-sloth with a prehensile, trunk-like lower lip. This is a re-draw of a series of nondescript, blind sand-burrowing creatures from more than a decade ago. I think this one could be a mammalian burrower from a very far future, many hundreds of millions of years after humans. A turkey-sized palaeognath bird that is a predator, mainly dispatching prey with its large clawed, plume-less wings. A fast-swimming, endothermi

More Orphaned Concepts - Crocs, Monotremes and Ungulates

Hello again, I managed to scan some re-draws of very old concepts that I had from more than a decade ago. They cover a few different kinds of animal generally, so I will cover them by group.. - The first are a set of various crocodiles, mostly Ziphosuchian/Notosuchian. The idea was a world or timeline where Crocodiles are the dominant land animals instead of non-avian Dinosaurs or mammals.   This is a bipedal browsing Notosuchian, with a tapir-like trunk.   This idea was basically one-upping Kaprosuchus, though I am not sure why it would need such long teeth, sexual selection?     A large, omnivorous land-croc with a bulky head and heterodont teeth.   An ungulate-convergent, quadrupedal Notosuchian with a small beak.   A giant, theropod-shaped bipedal Sphenosuchian, based partly on Macelognathus as an ancestor.   Another ungulate--like Notosuchian descendant, this time with cheeks and heterodont teeth.   A wolf-sized predatory Ziphosuchian with a large head and heterodont teeth.   Ti

Random Sea Monster drawings from ages ago...

 Hello again, Nothing too exciting this time, but as you probably know I love sea monsters in general and sea serpents in particular. Back quite a few years ago I drew a bunch of random sea-serpent and sea-monster concepts just for fun. Here they are, bear in mind some don't really have any proper taxonomy or phylogeny in mind... - - All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris (unless otherwise indicated), do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission. © Timothy Donald Morris 2024