
Showing posts from December, 2024

World of Aion - Another map!

Hello again, I have been working hard on another map for the world of Aion, here: Here we have a map of all the different regions of this world, as well as different island groups. This can also be taken as a basic geopolitical map. The designation of different regions is that adopted by the civilized humans that live on Aion, which was co-opted from the one used by the Dinomachia. You can click the map in order to see a bigger version. I hope this is illuminating and informative in the context of my project. - All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris (unless otherwise indicated), do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission. © Timothy Donald Morris 2024

World of Aion - Novel Island Endemics

Hello again, It's time for another post about the world of Aion. The insular biomes of Aion are interesting for a few reasons, mainly that to some extent, earthly insular faunas correspond to certain islands or archipelagos on Aion. For the most part, island endemic animals still only occur on certain islands, even the ones that have long-established on Aion. The main reason for this is that the intermittent appearance of portals links certain islands here to certain places and times on earth, exclusively. The result is a bunch of insular faunas that vaguely resemble those seen on earth. However, certain unusual endemic forms have also arisen, which is what I am covering here. On the Pereza Islands, which are roughly analogous to the Caribbean, the main predator is an enormous, eagle-sized spectral bat. This fierce predaceous bat may reach a wingspan of up to 2.7 meters, and does most of its hunting at night   On this same archipelago, there are numerous diminutive, pygmy ground-sl...

A topographical map of the world of Aion

 Hello again, I have been continuing my work on the world of Aion, and I came to something that I knew I would eventually have to draw, a world map. I chose to draw it in a basic topographical style, land is green, mountain-ranges are brown, ocean or lakes are light blue, and deep-bottomed ocean waters are dark blue. The whitish-blue lines are the Arctic and Antarctic circles (or whatever the poles here are called), the blue lines mark the extent of the tropics, and the red line is the equator. Not shown is the extent of the ice-caps or ice-shelves of the poles, which will be in a later map.   I hope you like it, this particular map is just basic geography and topography. - All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris (unless otherwise indicated), do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission. © Timothy Donald Morris 2024

A Report on the Novel races of Aion

 Hello again, This post will take an in-depth look at the main, non-human races found on the world of Aion. You will have seen pictures of these races already, but in this post they will be accompanied by detailed descriptions. - The Singing Folk (Aiodosapiens pseudaves) This race is descended from Troodontid paravian Dinosaurs, evidently having arisen from them in Equatorial Aion millions of years ago. The sexes are generally similar in size and shape, with individuals commonly reaching 4 feet tall and weighing up to 40 kilograms. Having opposable thumbs and a hallux on the hind foot that opposes digit 3 and 4, the retractable second toe is reduced in function but still used for gripping. These dinosaur-folk can move by running on the ground, but are most adept at climbing, building their dwellings high in trees. Fecundity is somewhat lower than in the ancestral form, a female may lay up to 3 large eggs, out of which the smallest chick often is out-competed by the others and die...

Update to the Lost Land setting - a name-change!

Hello again, I have been working on my prehistoric-pastiche sci-fi setting recently, and I have finished compiling a list of what species exist in this world setting. Also, the name of this world has been changed from "The Lost Land" which was pretty much just a placeholder, to a proper, marketable, original name with a classical influence. It is now called "The World of Aion". Aion was the name of the primordial goddess of eternity in ancient Greece, and the word itself also signifies a very long period of time, as with the word Eon. Anyhow you can see the revised list of creatures in this project here, along with links to the blog-posts that display the original fictional creatures that are part of the project: Anyhow I hope that is interesting to you guys. I am planning on further expanding this project soon, in ways other than adding new creatures. - All images, designs and writing on this blog are the prope...