
Showing posts from November, 2024

Project Re-upload - Darkest Menagerie

 Due to an issue with my web-hosting services recently, some of my project websites were wiped. It was only some of the older ones, and while this doesnt effect me much because I prefer my newer ones, I feel obliged to-re-upload this older content. So here is my re-upload of the Darkest Menagerie, my Cryptozoologicon-style realistic imaginings of various African cryptids. - Ambize Blue-nosed Tree-frog Crowing Crested Cobra Dingonek Dodu Emela-Ntouka Forest Rhinoceros J'ba FoFi   Kakundakari Kasai Rex Kikiyaon Kikomba Kongamato Kooloo-Kamba Lau Lukwata Mahamba Makalala Mbielu-Mbielu-Mbielu Miga Mokele Mbembe Mulilo Ndendeki Ngoima Ngoubou Nguma-monene Nsanga Nzefu-Loi Olitiau Spiny-backed Ape Spotted Lion Tano Giant Congolese Thumbless Pygmy Ape Water Elephant Water Lion - All images, designs and writing on this blog are the property of Timothy Donald Morris (unless otherwise indicated), do not use, reproduce, or copy them without my permission. © Timothy Donald Morris 202...

Lost Land Setting: 10 vicariant marine animals...

This is most probably the final addition to my Lost Land setting. I decided that the invertebrates and fish of the Lost Land lacked a tiny little something. Most other clades had a good variety of speculative, fictional or shall we say vicariant forms, which had illustrations. So I dived into my archive of unfinished projects, some of which I had already shown on here. I found quite a few vicariant-looking forms which would fit, all that it took was transferring them from one setting to another. Here they are... - A tiny, planktonic ammonite that is found drifting in the open ocean in large swarms. Diameter of the shell is no more than 3 millimeters. A small, wriggling lobopod which catches prey actively in the water column. About 10 centimetres long. A moderately-sized brittle-star which is adapted to swim actively in the water column, in order to move about. An over-sized descendant of Callichimaera, which reaches a leg-span of about 20 centimetres. An actively swimming predator of s...