
Showing posts from October, 2024

Lost Land setting : Creatures of Myth

Hello again, I decided to make another addition of speculative creatures to my Lost Land setting. This time, I am adding some animals which work partly as reasoned-fantasy, greatly resembling certain mythical creatures of our world. - This creature is the Makara, a 2.7 ton Protocetid that forages on the tropical sea-floor using its elephant-like proboscis. This hare-sized animal is the Jackalope, and is in fact a horned Rodent related to Cavies, not Hares. The giant, gold-digging ants of Herodotus are in fact a kind of giant, tusked Mole-cricket, reaching similar sizes to the largest Wetas. These burrowing insects feed mainly on plant roots and make extensive tunnels in their mountain-slope habitat, leaving spoil-piles dotted about that can sometimes contain specks of gold. The Chimaera is a kind of open-country Mesonychian predator that combines the features of Carnivorans and Artiodactyls. Reaching as much as 70 kilograms in weight, they hunt in family groups of up to 7, their resemb...