The Cretaceous-Paleogene Refugia...

Hello again, This time we are visiting a concept that I started with last year. What if a refugia existed that had held Cretaceous species after the K-Pg extinction, and subsequently also many creatures from the Paleocene and Eocene. This we can imagine would be a large island subcontinent that had particulars of weather, isolation and location to circumvent the Cretaceous extinction among others. So here are some of the most interesting creatures from this scenario. - Descendants of the "Condylarth" Hyopsodus, which was already something like a rodent, here takes the niche of Rabbits and even Capybaras (as shown here). The Pantodont Titanoides has given rise to hefty Chalicothere-like browsers with big tusks. The small alligator, Allodaposuchus, gives rise to a new lineage of Notosuchian-like terrestrial crocodiles. Most of the surviving Dinosaurs look rather boringly like known forms, but Thescelosaurus-like Ornithischians have become larger, quadrupedal selective feede...